Thursday 24 January 2013

Trialling a new Supplier

I recently purchased some sterling silver settings and bails from a new supplier as a bit of a trial. I had been thinking about making some matching sets of pendants and earrings for a while so went on a bit of an internet search for companies supplying sterling silver settings which would be suitable.

I managed to track down a business based out of Israel called ZDP Findings. I had actually purchased some silver plated settings of these guys some time ago via Ebay, but didn't realise they also had a website with a more extensive range.

Sterling Silver Settings for Earrings and Pendants
After browsing their website for a while, I decided to get a couple of different bits and pieces. I ended up choosing some 10mm round earring bezel settings, some 20mm round pendant bezel settings, some 30mm round pendant bezel settings and some pinch bails.

Although the package took longer to arrive than I would have hoped, I would certainly recommend the companies customer service which has been great. I am also more than happy with the products themselves, particularly the earring settings.

Sterling Silver Rhodochroste Pendant and Earrings matching set
Sterling Silver Boulder Opal Pendant and Earrings Matching Set

So far I have put together 2 of the matching sets. The first set that I can was the pink Rhodochrosite set (seen to the left). This material originates from the Broken Hill region of New South Wales (Australia) and has some great patterns. The bright silver of the settings sits quite well with the bright pink of the stones. This set is available here for $75.

The second set which I cut was the Queensland Boulder Opal to the right. Unfortunately due to my poor photography skills, the colour play  of the stones doesn't quite show in the photo. These stones have magnificent green and blue flashes throughout and again, the bright silver matches well with the stones. This set is available here for $125

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